Computer Services began in Atlanta, GA in 1991. Relocating to
Jacksonville, FL in 1996, we have been here ever since. We have
been fortunate enough to retain the same staff since we began,
and have slowly added to that over the years. However, the major
growth has been in the depth of clients we now serve. From the
single user at home, student at college, to networks covering
over 500 users, we handle them all. We are solely referral based,
which is the purest form of growth. Everyone we served then,
we serve now. We have never lost a client ...ever.
environments that we are proficient in include (but are not
limited to)
OS - Win 95, 98, ME, Win2000,
XP Home, XP Pro, NT, Server (heavy - all issues), Apple /
Macintosh OS 8.5 > 10.4 Tiger
Hardware - Dell, HP, IBM,
Gateway, Sony, Fujitsu, Apple, etc
Software - Exchange, Domino,
Notes, MS Office, Adobe, Corel, QuickBooks (Heavy - author
add ins), Act! (ver 6> 2005 Workgroups)
Programming - ASP, PHP,
Visual Basic, Visual C++, AS/400, .NET, SQL, Access,
Javascript, DHTML, DCOM, COM, OCX, AppleScript, VBScript,
DB400, RPG, Java!

Sync is now an official APPLE Value added
Reseller /AGENT
Click the Apple to shop - please be sure
to use
when/where prompted. We will be ther
reseller of record, and ultimately, your warranty provider.
We are proud to be part of the Apple family, and only one of
five authorized providers in North Florida!
for SYNC INC /APPLE Clients
The Apple Authorized Business Agent online store at
is where your customers will place their orders. Only
orders placed on the online Business Agent Store and
identified with the Agent ID will be eligible for Agent
access and warranty assistance. To connect purchases
made by your customers to your warranty provider accont,
your Agent ID must be entered in the “Enter Agent Code”
field in the “Agent Sales” section of the “Verify your
Order” page at the end of the checkout process